Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Far Cry 3 Single Player Level.

It's been a short while since my last blog, but I've been busy working this whole time I promise :P

The deadline for the Whitebox Challenge over at Mapcore has been and gone and while I completed my map(s) on time I didn't submit any as I wasn't happy with the quality of them. Having said that I made a lot of progress as a level designer during this process and learn't a lot that will be helpful going forward, plus I always enjoy working to a deadline, it's a good way to stay focused and challenge yourself.

More on those later, I may post some updated screens from the various maps if I can be bothered to do a large scale break down but for now I have a second Far Cry 3 map to show!

This time I was focusing more on creating a single player guided experience for a level, it's still work in progress but I'm happy enough to show it off now.

The thought behind this level is that it could fit into a short DLC for Far Cry 3, as such it tries to tell a whole story in a short time frame and I also wanted to focus on using assets from the main game in slightly different ways to signify that this was a different location.

The player starts next to a small wooden boat on the beach, turning around they can see the compound they need to advance on although it should be clear that the cliffs are too steep and they will need to find another way.

Continuing round the beach brings them to their first obstacle, a make shift pirate dock in the cove, the player will have to fight their way through this, crossing the rope bridges to reach the other side.

Once this is dealt with they make their way up the coastal road and past an old watch tower. They can climb it for a better view of obstacles to come and maybe even some different weapon choices. 

After this comes a small village in the jungle, this area is still heavily WIP. 

Walking through the village leads to the top of the waterfall that runs over the pirate cove below.

A make shift bridge made of planks and barrels keeps your feet dry as the player walks carefully across. On the other side can be seen an old depot and the first signs of the base you are looking for. 

A short off road journey follows through the jungle, stepping over stones, roots and plants.

 Climbing over fallen trees the player is lead out to the first view of the enemy base. 

The base itself is rather large, so here are just a few screenshots to give an idea of what it's like. 

Overall I'm pretty happy with how this map is going, it's pretty much finished I just have a few final touches to add. I made a conscious effort to try and tell a story through this map, and I like to think that every object is only there because it needs to be and because it adds to making this level feel like a real lived in world. 

Finally as always, one waterfall wasn't enough for me so off the beaten path players can also find..

Thanks for reading!