This map takes place on a small tropical island that has in recent years built a small helipad to have greater contact with the outside world. Now a large international company comes into conflict with a group of rebels from the islands only town as they attempt to take control of the natural resources of the island.
The Rebels are held up in what used to be the islands church, with pews and other furniture quickly pushed out of the way to make room for a new command centre for the rebels.
On the other side of the conflict the helipad and surrounding buildings make up the companies only safe ground, all flights off the island are cancelled, with the helicopter ready to go at any minute should reinforcements be required.
For either side to truly own the island they will need to control all three major locations:
The Village:
A once small group of houses has become cramped over the years, forcing the wood and corrugated steel shacks to build closer together, and even on top of each other. Between the beach and the river it is only a matter of time before the local villagers will have to consider expanding into the jungle they cherish across the river.
The Jungle:
The natural heart of the island, known for it's rough terrain and dangerous wildlife. The focal point of the fighting here has been focused around a small camping area.
The Coastal Battery:
A ruin from the second World War, it hides the islands dark history and has been left almost untouched since it was bombed over 60 years ago.
As I mentioned earlier, this level has been good experience for me. While it started out more to showcase the different styles capable within the toolset I feel I've managed to merge them well into a cohesive whole. The island is probably a little small all things considered, both teams have sniping towers available within their respective bases that could be problematic, especially to players fighting in the dense and tight village. However as both teams have this as a possibility and with both only really having site of half the town it almost draws a line down the sides of the town for players to fight on while still being fluid enough to change ownership on the fly.
The main change I would make to the map would be for the village to be in the centre, with the jungle and coastal battery on either side as they are likely to be less intense combat wise and could easily lead to players judging they have time to move away from the main village battle to quickly take another point without their team losing control of the village.
Also while I aimed to keep things an equal distance from either team for balance reasons I decided the jungle point could be closer to international companies HQ than the rebels by giving them a higher ground to take it from. So while it might benefit the company in the short term by having a quick capture, the rebels should end up with a good chance to counter from above.
As I mentioned above though, overall I'm happy with the map. Finally to finish off here are some bonus shots, including the almost mandatory hidden sunken submarine!
For players that find themselves swimming aimlessly in the ocean, a small surprise!
The rebels aren't always fighting, in their downtime they appear to enjoy relaxing on the beach.
A small island away hides a weapon not found anywhere else on the map.