Monday, 3 November 2014

Far Cry 3 Single Player Level Breakdown.

The thought behind this level is that it could fit into a short single player DLC for Far Cry 3, as such it tries to tell a whole story through set dressing in just a single map. I also wanted to focus on using assets from the main game in slightly different ways to signify that this was a different location as well as to test my ability to think 'outside the box' (sorry) when it comes to using props and meshes in creative and unique ways they may never have been intended for.

The level takes place on a small island and the player must reach the end found at the top of the compound.

The player starts on the beach, turning around will not only show them the end goal of the compound but will reward them with an extra weapon pick up in the rowing boat they arrived on the island in.

As the level evolved it became apparent that certain changes had to be made in order to make the level more interesting.

The beginning of the level presents the players with a choice now, before they had to cross into the Pirate controlled cove and get into combat. Now however a path leading up the cliff on the left presents an opportunity for players to sneak through this entire section if they chose.



It was also important to make sure the player was aware of this choice, and as such I used a rock formation on the beach that would hopefully force most players to funnel through it, giving them a view of the paths that I had designed specifically to make them aware that one would lead to obvious combat while the other might not.

During my playtesting of various friends and family (Thanks to all those who were my guinea pigs!) I always asked after they had played the level if they were aware of any conscious choices they were making and all agreed that they had chosen to either go up and sneak around or that they had wanted to get into combat and took the more direct approach.

An extra area of rock was also added to the path winding up from the cove with a radio tower. Radio towers play a large part of the main Far Cry 3 campaign and as well as adding some variety to the level by including some climbing it also rewards the player with a better view of the level and a sniper rifle for their troubles.

The Jungle path that followed was replaced instead with a small village. I felt it helped to keep the pace of the level up as the Jungle area was too easy to become lost and bored in. It also helped me to add more character to the level with more opportunities for prop placement.



The compound itself was also changed somewhat. The front gate was closed and multiple routes have been opened up to the player by climbing over boxes and some walls. Giving them the option to sneak through the compound and to pick off enemies one at a time.



The next change that became apparent was the need to increase the verticality of my level. At this point most of the gameplay took place on ground level with the exception of the Pirate Cove which really stood out as a highlight because of this.

To fix this problem I added multiple ladders to the map and routes above rooftops in the jungle area as well as a raised walkway through the middle of the compound. I also gave the player access to things such as the thick large compound wall. They can run around up there, jumping onto rooftops and into buildings from above as well as climbing up the numerous watch towers along the routes for a better vantage point. I really think this helped to make the level feel more complete and varied.



Overall I'm pretty pleased with the result of this level. I came across some pretty obvious limitations creating a single player level in a multiplayer focused editor but I was aware of these going in and tried to work around this problem as best I could.

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